If you require a quote, please email teachwonder@makewonder.com and include the number of PD Bundles that you wish to purchase.
Email purchasing@makewonder.com Include PO number in the email subject line.
Attach PO, which should include:
- Billing address, including accounts payable name, telephone number, and email
- Shipping address, including ship to name, email, and telephone number
- Quantity of PD Bundles (Introduction to Coding and Robotics with Dash & Dot course + Dash robot)
- List of promo codes, one for each bundle
- For CA, FL, ME, MA, NY, NC, OR, PA, TN, WA, please clearly indicate tax exempt number. Include a copy of sales and use tax exemption certificate. Shipping location outside these states are currently automatically tax exempt. POs without tax exemption certificate will be charged tax.
Attach a copy of quote if available.
Please fill out the below spreadsheet to include course participants’ names (first, last) and emails. Attach this spreadsheet to your email. An email confirmation will automatically be sent to these individuals with login/account information once the order has been processed.
Confirm that your email has your PO number in the subject line and that you’ve attached your PO, tax exempt certificate if applicable, and spreadsheet of participants.