Evidence of Residents on Space Island
Mission Two: Evidence of Residents is here! Teams are challenged to relocate a nest, weed the island’s vegetation, and pick some flowering fruit.
If you haven’t started Mission One, no worries! You have plenty of time, as Feb. 16 is the due date for submitting for all three missions.
You’ll notice that we are slowly scaffolding the skill sets. In Mission Two, teams are not only experimenting with sequences and loops, but they can now explore the coding concept of events. With Dash, teams will tackle travel distance, rotation angle, and object detection. It’s also sensor time: encoders, gyro, proximity, and IR sensors can be used! Plus, you’ll notice that we offer bonus points for all sorts of storytelling. Encourage your teams to put their imaginations to use and think about how they will craft and share their space-age stories.
In this series of three challenges, teams are discovering evidence of residents: creatures, flora and fauna. They must continue their beautification efforts as they begin to think of what project they want to develop on Space Island.
Based on feedback from Mission One, we are sharing this next iteration of kid-facing logbooks as both Google Slides and PDFs. It is up to you and your teams how you will leverage these logbooks. You could:
- Make a copy of the Google Slides and modify as you see fit for your teams
- Project the Google Slides to show to the whole team challenge by challenge
- Print out the PDF (or download slides as PDF) in color or in black-and-white
- Print one copy of the logbook per team member, or print a team logbook and have members take turns documenting their hard work
Remember, we will be asking for evidence of planning and reflection for those competing towards the Invitational Round, so just make sure to capture your team’s hard work, regardless of whether they go old-school with paper-based drawings, doodles, journaling, and stories, or go high-tech with digital designs and multimedia presentations (we provided some highly rated, free digital tools for your teams to discover). Submission criteria for Mission Two will be added to the Submission Process & Solution Guide document by November 20th.